Home Is Where the Heart Is: Box of Style x A Sense of Home
As of late, our homes have taken on a whole new meaning—they have quickly become our domain for comfort, but also safety. Knowing how important it is for everyone to have a place to call home, we feel it is paramount to support a cause that deserves some attention.
In tandem with our latest Home Edit dropping in our Member Marketplace, we partnered up with an organization that is near and dear to the heart of our co-CEO, Rodger Berman.
"Homelessness is such a critical issue in our society. I wholeheartedly stand behind A Sense of Home (ASOH) because their program allows volunteers to interact with the people they're helping in a sincere and meaningful way."
—Rodger Berman

A Sense of Home is an organization that proactively fights against homelessness by creating homes for youth aging out of foster care. Their formula for success? A group of selfless volunteers, many generous donations of household necessities, and an empty space waiting to be transformed. Within two hours, a hollow shell of a house becomes a home.
With the unparalleled effects of COVID-19 escalating at an alarming rate, ASOH has been restricted from carrying out their duties. On June 1st, more than 50 people will be on the ASOH waitlist for a home. We’ve made it our company’s mission to raise $6,000, which will in turn create one home for a person in need. With every purchase from our Member Marketplace from 4/17/20 to 5/3/20, we will be donating 20% of proceeds to our goal.
So, make a difference while you shop and help us on our mission to support A Sense of Home! For more on how their operation works and why Team Zoe is passionate about the ASOH mission, check out the video below.
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